The GI Dr. Colon Cleanse Center


Our Services

See our main serices below.

THE COLONIC (Colon hydro cleanse)

  • The only gastroenterology physician owned and operated colon hydro cleanse (COLONIC) facility in Pennsylvania.
  • Established in 2013 to offer as an alternative to drinking the oral prep for the colonoscopy; 95% reproducibility rate for thoroughness.
  • Offering the highest quality colonic, 2nd to none.
  • FIT test (fecal immunochemical test) colon cancer screen; available;
  1. Read and interpreted by the gastroenterologist
  2. If positive, colonoscopy warranted
  3. No long wait for an appointment to schedule the colonoscopy


Best method to maintain healthy colonic bacteria (the microbiota) is to have a “colonic” every 3 months; more frequently if you suffer from chronic constipation;


  • $100.00 ($125 if reflexology treatment desired; appointment required)
  • $75.00 (M-W-F)
  • $25.00 FIT test
  • Packages of 3 or 4 available; call for details



  • Requires history and physical (H&P)
  • 15% discount for combined H&P/Colonoscopy: $150 savings.